Elements of Discovery 4 of 4

5 months ago

The focus of this video is "Gifts of the Krystal River Prayer"

The video explains the concept of expanding consciousness and spiritual evolution as we journey through our own "God World Anatomy." It illustrates how we move through different dimensional levels, which are structured like spheres within spheres or eggs within eggs. This progression is not just upwards but is also an outward expansion and inward contraction. As we ascend through density levels and frequencies, we connect with different aspects of ourselves—starting from the incarnate level, moving through the soul, oversoul, Avatar, and Rishi levels—reaching up to the Christos Avatar level at Dimension 12. Beyond this, we encounter the primal light and sound fields in Dimensions 13, 14, and 15, which bring us closer to Source.

The video highlights that there are multiple time matrices beyond the 15-dimensional one, and our journey through these stair-steps of creation links us to other race lines, councils, and expanded levels of consciousness. It emphasizes the importance and power of frequencies as we move closer to Source. The speaker explains that we are currently in Density One within a "Veca system," which is part of a much larger structure. This system operates on both personal and planetary levels, as well as cosmic and universal scales, all interconnected within Source. The visual aid of the "kathara grid" helps illustrate these connections, showing how dimensional levels correspond to different frequency bands and how this grid provides a roadmap back to Source. The purpose of this journey, as highlighted through the Crystal River prayer, is to serve as guardians of the planet, realizing that our presence here is not by accident but part of a larger cosmic plan.


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