Tyrants in Washington DC push another Policing For Profit scheme with their “Steer Laws”

5 months ago

The Tyrants In the capital Washington DC Are pushing another communist law Which does not change anything within any other states only the capital can sue you if you do not pay your traffic citations For Washington DC yet if you go into any other state and make traffic violations and refuse to pay as long as you don’t get caught they could take you to jail but no DC and the greedy politicians want to sue you into Bolivian as they consider Marylanders out of state yet, Washington DC is not a state of its own they would like it to be, but it is not God forbid you get any traffic violations in the state they will sue you for far greater than the ticket itself is not to mention they’re still going to ticket you on top of suing you for making those traffic violations welcome to socialism. This is what socialist tyrannical dictators come up with , just another way to deplete your earnings so the government can take everything from you. Remember, they want you to own nothing and be so happy and grateful that they don’t allow you to own anything not to mention they want us to praise them as God‘s just like the CCP does to the citizens of China , which is why they are trying to control how biology works. They think they are our gods just because they can manipulate whether and things of that nature.

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