hillary sounds nervous in the midst of the p diidy arrest

3 months ago

Green Lives Matter
Hillary Clinton says that the October Surprise might include damning information on Kamala Harris and then brings up Pizzagate as being dangerous misinformation. 👀
Um, what kind of information is she so afraid of coming out? Did she ever explain to us why John Podesta and his brother were emailing Marina Abromovic about private spirit cooking dinners? Information brought to us by Julian Assange's Wikileaks. She seems nervous?


"There will be concerted efforts to distort and pervert Kamala Harris. Who she is what she stands for, what she's done. I mean look I mean the crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation out of a basement a pizzeria…
Don't laugh. Don't laugh. It was a huge story. And it got one young man in North Carolina to get in his car with his you know assault rifle and drive up to liberate these non existent children and shoot up a pizzeria in Washington DC. This is dangerous stuff.
It starts online, often on the dark web it migrates It's picked up by the pro Trump media. It's then reported on by everybody else which makes sure it has about a hundred percent coverage, and people believe it So I don't know what it's going to be but it will be something and we'll have to work very very hard to make sure that it is exposed as, the lie that it is."

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