Why Are We Going Gently into their Silent Night?

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What if neither side; the loud or the silent have dominion over the truth?
What if it lies between us being uploaded and processed by AI?
Things are concerning.
Surely that's one binding truth?
Yet, despite us all knowing that silence doesn't fix anything, it's just a coffin for your soul as you begin the wait for the release of grave, our Government is hell bent on silencing us even further.
How do you heal the country, and fix these issues, if most of us are too scared to speak, and the the ones who want to speak are gagged?

Oh, and did you happen to notice that short Ai animated movies, just killed the animation industry, and perhaps began a new one?

Join Robyn, form Courage is the Cure, Tom (Aka The Troll) Vogal and Michael as we once again go searching for answers to questions we need to ask on our quest to find the truth.

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