How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium 01-Oct-2024

5 months ago

Weather Modification has been in use all over the world since the early 1900's.
Think Japan, Turkey, California, Canada, Acapulco, Lahaina.
Weather is being controlled with the use of HAARP, 5G and Ionispheric heaters located strategically across the planet.
RFK Jr is on the right track stopping Geoengineering, however that is a very small part of the entire plan to depopulate and enslave all of humanity by an alien race that eat people, steal their blood, make adrenochrome and sell body parts yet still they call themselves Jewish Humans. They are an invasive species that look, smell, and act like humans to avoid detection. They are no Jewish they are Zionist.
No human has that little empathy or consideration of others.
Love one another as you would love yourself.
Humanity's survival lies in the ability to identify and remove these non-humans from this earth that we claim as ours.
It comes down to numbers. We outnumber them and we have control. Their objective is to stop us from understanding this truth in orde rto win control of the entire planet and all of its inhabitants.
The world has been infected with a sickness that can be cured with the proper mindset.

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