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15 seconds

PUN 135!

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Patriots Must Unite NOW Before It's Too Late!, Are Radical Democrats in FBI and NYC Behind the Indictment of Mayor Adams?, Claudia Sheinbaum-Mexico's First Female President and First Known Jewish President-Has a Radical Inaugural(per Collin Pruet at theamericanconservative.com),Is Hillary Clinton a Raging Alcoholic?, Jim Carden at theamericanconservative.com Reports on GOP Senate Leader Mitch McChao Promoting the Militarism of a Rand Corporation Report, Former Congresswoman Jane Harman Should've Been Charged for Interfering in a Federal Prosecution of Two Indicted AIPAC Agents, Inter Alia


  • 0/2000
  • To all PUN!ites: Once again, the audio on this Rumble cut out, this time at about the 6:50 mark until about the 14:55 mark, thanks to Film Noir 1 and Stan Stankas for informing us via Live Chat. I don't know why it cut out. Sorry. I'll check with our producers on this problem.

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  • Hi, Ken. I was in an antique store today in Columbia, Pennsylvania and came across a signed promotional photo of Margaret Sullavan. She was in The Shop Around the Corner, directed by Ernst Lubitsch. It was $18.00 but I decided not to buy it because of the tightening financial situation. After returning home I researched her photos online and they are going for hundreds of dollars on eBay and other sites. Thanks for last nights enlightening Rumble! Chuck

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  • tx ken very informative broadcast

  • ken just in case i miss the start of your rumble broadcast today tuesday october 8 2024 at 17:00 central a reception report on cr from this past monday at 17:00 central on 9.350 up until you gave the date stamp you were say 7 or 8 of 10. once you mentioned the date you went to 100% static with no indication of a signal whatsoever. at 19:00 central on 4.840 no problems and mostly an 8 of 10. breaking in a new (no pal not yours) rare find analog sw combo. sw, mw, fm, cassette deck and record player! 33/45/78. jap brand and 54 years old! took a licking and still keeps on ticking! 5 bucks at the south side flea and with research found one in the uk 294 us buck plus shipping! had a good day with one other product as well!

  • also when i vote i always print out a sample ballot from the county site. finally available and even though i am sure kam is going to blow the dumb-nold out of the water in my state of illinois, robert f kennedy jr is still on the ballot!!! i heard that since he dropped and put support behind the orange one that he was having issues getting himself removed in certain states. now illinois is a landslide for kam anyway, however wondering out loud just how many wiggle room states are going to go to kam because the "independent" selection takes votes away from the dumb one. we shall see what we shall see. i vote and do so locally in person on the day of the election. we are republican up here though the only one that i am concerned about is my 20th state rep and this time he is running, on the ballot though running unopposed. let's say a circle of friends of italian american decent might be a factor here. thanks pal!