"My pinto beans and brown rice have been stored for years. Should I just throw them away?"

5 months ago

"My pinto beans and brown rice have been stored for years. Will soaking them remove the bad parts that cause them to be bad or old, or should I just throw them away?"

If you stored them properly...

...without light
...without moisture
...without air
...no huge temperature fluctuations
...away from bugs

Your beans and grains will keep up to 25 years or more. 🙌

The less ideally they're stored, the less they keep.

With yours, the only way to know for sure is to test them. Traditional cooking method cannot fix anything that's spoiled after the fact.

Soaking and sourdough makes beans and grains more nutritious and digestible... these methods can't fix grains/beans that have gotten rancid or bitter over time.

By the way, we have in depth instructions on storage in our Eat God's Way cooking program.

Would you like to learn more about Eat God's Way?

I've got a great selection of simple recipes for you, including our favorite quick soaked muffins, in our FREE Eat God's Way 2-book set, specifically the companion cookbook.

To get the FREE Eat God's Way books, go here:

FYI Eat God's Way recipes and methods use high-quality, simple whole foods along with cooking methods from Bible Times that save you money and time, while providing nutritious, digestible, and delicious meals and snacks for your family.

BTW it's NOT rule-based. We eat this way to give God glory and honor His design for our nourishment.

God bless you! 🥰

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