A Future Of Slavery or a Future of Freedom? The choice is ours to fight for

3 months ago

This video is an educational tool for ALL AGES because it affects humanity. We are targeted individual CREDITORS. These dirty DEBTORS Commercial entities enemies are united nations-world economic forum-world health organisation COMMERCIAL CORPORATION crime syndicates. They use dirty politicians-media-militant powers & Rothschilds Treaties to invade & raid nations. They exploit resources, food supplies & leave behind an after math of SLAVERY CYCLES OF WAR. WHERE IS JUSTICE to navigate us to safer waters?
Our Unique Countries Borders- self governance- Independence-our own money printed is common sense. Our protection is paramount from tyrannical unlawful foreign imposter traitors of treason! END SLAVERY FORCE ROGUE GOVERNMENTS INTO RECEIVERSHIP! Your Fired! White collared crime has escalated 500% breaching 80% of the Crimes act 1961. DEBT IS SLAVE CREDIT IS FREEDOM! End Debt Securities Bond System.
All Rights Reserved.

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