(i am camillla and i am deep space puppet, puppet puppet deep state puppet)

5 months ago

o bro jo bro jobrojobroooo o o o o o
(suggon deznutz) (suggon deznutz)

(i am camillla and i am deep space puppet, puppet puppet deep state puppet)

I'm going to sign a law and he said professor suggon deznutz
(suggon deznutz)
no he didn't yes he did good yes, and he said parody is legal in America hilar area said that you should be posting this and we're going to make it illegal I'm going to sign a law and he said professor suggon deznutz

(suggon deznutz)

Hallo so he didn't yes he did yes and he said parody is legal in America its hilarious (its hilarious)
it's a good thing camillla is a deep space puppet, puppet puppet deep state puppet oh did you see what you want just plate here is the tweet with the authority of professor suggon deznutz (suggon deznutz)

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