20230318 155315 Birthday First Meeting with her Super-best Friends

5 months ago

This was the first time that I ran into #Birthday's dear daily feeders that live a block away. I had seen #Birthday a few times previously on my walk to the grocery store -- usually because she came out to greet me from under the fence. They had brought her a can of tuna, which seemed to be at least a weekly treat, rather than dry food.

Personally, I'm very much against cats eating right out of the can because of the sharp edges, but (too?) many don't seem to be concerned with this. I have to admit that this bothers me quite a bit. I do understand that they've been trying to manufacture cans that aren't as dangerous as in years past, but I don't think that any risk like this is worth it. If it's so not-dangerous, then scoop the damn food out with your finger onto the sidewalk, which I argue is better, if imperfect.

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