'Creative Society' by Pavol Malenky 🎧 Song for motivation, good mood & positive vibes!

3 months ago

💡Please check new better version oif this song‼️ ⇨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu9X9ygs8I4&t=0s

More about Creative Society:
Allat: conversion to rhythm, hearable frequency: https://www.magierin-damona.eu/assets/allat-hoeren-sehen-rhythmus1.pdf

Dieser Song von Pavol Malenky “Creative Society” macht einfach gute Laune und bringt positive
Energie in deinen Alltag.
Der Text (in Englischer Sprache) handelt von einer “Kreativen Gesellschaft” in der wir Alle miteinander verbunden und somit Eins sind, in vollkommener Gleichberechtigung. Der Song motiviert den Zuhörer zu mehr Menschlichkeit, Freundschaft und spiritueller Entwicklung. Es geht zudem darum die Liebe über Alles zu stellen und uns bewusst zu machen, dass wir immer eine Wahl haben. Ein Lied das Freude macht und zugleich zum Tanzen anregt.

🎼 Lyrics
Inside of us is love, divine angel of light.
Inside of us is fear, demon of a mind.
Attention is key, deciding who will win.
Don't fight, be in peace, and see what is.

We are all one. Choose love and life.

Thoughts are waves, coming from outside of you.
Attention gives them life, just select the light.

System tries, everything to divide us.
But we are all one, all human.

How can I feel peace? So many tears and wars.
Solutions are spiritual, let's connect us all.
We are here, to evolve.
Trust to the higher sense, nothing is coincidence.
Creative society, let’s build future sense.
Nobody will build for us, only we can.
Find, your task, and be in charge.

Human life, is the highest gold,
it has to be protected, as one's own,
let us agree, to have no wars,
when nature is sick, earthquakes arise,
soldiers are needed, to save lives,
when water is rising, temperature is high,
we should help others, and save lives,
this is our test, of humanity and love.
We are all one, born free,
nobody is higher, just diverse,
we are all equal, have the right to choose,
we want to be safe, and to live well,
essential wants, should be guaranteed,
there is enough, no weapons or wars,
people should decide, not the big banks,
politicians should serve, and be supervised.

Transparency, for all of us.
about the movement, of public funds,
spiritual development, is our test,
humaneness, and respect,
mutual friendship, is our task,
natural resources, to all of us,
education for all, should be free,
we all have the right, to own property,
but within the limits, no immensely wealthy,
let’s rebuild army, for catastrophe's tool,
quiet the mind, move to your soul,
Kalki is here, attention on Joy,
People should have power, power to all,
elites don’t care about us, let’s govern us all,
creative society, only we can do,
we are all one family, at a crossroad.

It’s not about things, that happen or don’t.
It’s about your choice, choose love.
It‘s not about others, what they do or don't.
It‘s about, what you do, and how you think.

Just need nothing. Be free.

As long as, there are people with power,
deciding without us, if we don’t care.

A million dollars, every minute worldwide,
we spend for wars, use it for us.

How can I feel peace? So many tears and wars.
Solutions are spiritual, let's connect us all.
We are here, to evolve.
Trust to the higher sense, nothing is coincidence.
Creative society, let’s build future sense.
Nobody will build for us, only we can.
Find, your task, and be Love.

🧘‍♂️ Mehr über Meditation: https://www.magierin-damona.eu/meditation/

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Pavol & Mario

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