Int 882 with Ryushin Sean Malone an independent scientist researcher of extraterrestrials

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Ryushin Sean Malone is an independent scientist researcher of extraterrestrials, their craft, and their influence on Humanity. He has been actively researching and giving lectures for the past 7 years on this subject. He has written 2 books, and both can be purchased at

The first book “The Orion Lines: The Truth About Extraterrestrial,"s can be downloaded for free. You will discover he has made many connections all free for the viewing. He has been studying Zen Buddhism for 30 years, with 3 solid years of monastic training, and was born at a Buddhist monastery in the Catskills mountains of New York State. The creator of was created in 2020 as an information hub for Humanity. What Ryushin has realized through careful examination of the evidence is that Humanity has secretly been ruled over by a deceptive and hostile group of Elites and Aliens for thousands of years.

He realized that The Nazis/Zionists built The Nazi Death Marches into the shape of Orion to honor Orion. They made a deal with The Orion Group AKA The Black Suns trading people for technology. He believes they targeted the Jews because of Moses leading them out of Egypt under Orion rule. After WW2, the US Military made the same deal with the orion group trading human beings for technology resulting in the construction of the D.U.M.B.s deep underground military bases in the heart of American IDENTICAL to the railroads of the Nazi Death Marches in the shape and size of Orion.

Again, to honor Orion. Revealing the truth that this world has been a slave, food and drug, adrenochrome source for the aliens. Ryushin has also connected the Nazca Alien Mummies released 7/20/2017 to King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti as being the same exact species. They weren’t their children. They weren’t worshipping the sun disk. The little beings are Aten, The One True God. Ryushin believes that these being may actually be God-like from the Bible.

All the evidence can be viewed at

His YouTube is

His Rumble is


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