Woods Carry Loads: Bears IRL

2 days ago

A dear friend had a very serious black bear encounter. She's lucky to be alive. In the national forests in the lower 48, I was comfortable with bringing along a little 40 S&W Glock. But no more. Considering what happened to my friend, I am bringing Alaska-esque tools to the woods from here on out. I've tested 200 grain hardcast with 10mm auto, using Longshot powder. Had great results at the range with a Glock 29SF. In lieu of some confusion on whether Hodgdon has recently (in the last 5 years) changed their recipe for this powder, OR they merely started to advise to lessen the suggested max loads, I can't really say what would be a hot load for this bullet weight. But going with my loading books and from my tests, I think I am on the upper end of what will be a very good bear defense load (black bear, or otherwise).

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