Trump is a Jesuit Agent – The Creation of Global Chaos – Leuren Moret

5 months ago

Trump is completely controlled by the opposition of the American people. It’s all a plan as Leuren Moret explains. The plan is to act like he is helping Americans but really setting everything up to imprison us all.

Bill Clinton is really a Rockefeller.

All the presidents have been selected.

The CIA is a drug company, taken over by the Jesuits in 2002.

The Vietnam War was a smokescreen for drug running.

John Kerry is a Jesuit and his family made all their money selling illegal drugs.

The United States is the most corrupt country in the world and people believe we are one of the least corrupt, but that is how good our politicians hide things and how much propaganda our mainstream media feeds us.

The Clinton’s used Mena Airport in Arkansas as a drug airport, in which military aircraft would bring in drugs under the guise of organ transplants.

We are all being attacked by frequencies – all the 5G – frequency bioweapons.

The San Francisco Bay Area is a Triangle of Hell, it has a lot of Nazi ties, some very powerful people – the first United Nations was in built in San Francisco. It is where Stanford University is and is the link to the Tavistock Institute, which ties to Britain and England. Livermore Nuclear Lab, right across the bay from Stanford and they work together. Stanford works on the development of HAARP -- High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

Livermore Labs is where the Russians and the United States secretly develop HAARP together. It’s all one big secret club and they don’t want YOU to know who is in it.

Why? Because then we would know that everything is a SHOW – all this Russia is our enemy, Ukraine is our enemy, China is our enemy – it’s all bullshit and they are really are working as one, with one agenda and that is Depopulation by all means possible. There are simply too many people for them to “manage” right now.

Once we all discovery that everything we see on TV is a CIA Mind Control – Propaganda Operation, then we can consciously wake up and begin acting as one united nation of people – that’s the ONLY thing they fear.

The third corner of the Triangle of Hell in San Francisco is UC Berkely. UC Davis is also involved but they are further out in the Agriculture Valley.

What are some things that have come out of this Triangle of Hell? MK-Ultra, HAARP, Nuclear Weapons, the UN and an array of Dark Projects.

Fidel Castro’s family is the Farnese family and the Farnese’s are Ancient Iranian Royal Bloodline Families. Yes, Castro is Iranian. These are 5,000 year old families that have continuously ruled the world and they are from Iran and Persia.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848, formally ceded Alta California (modern-day California) to the United States from Mexico. The treaty specified that those Spanish – Mexicans who held land grants would be able to maintain their land grants.

There were 850 land grants and the US Gov wanted them, so they took this party of the treaty agreement to the Supreme Court and it would be in the hands of the Supreme Court to see if the US Gov must honor that part of the Treaty.

Castro was one of the largest owners of these land grants in California, over 700,000 acres.

It is the Castro Family – really the Farnese Family that controls California and the Rothschilds work for them.

Janet Napolitano – member of the Presidential Intelligence Board and former President of University of California – bad person involved with horrific things.

They are spraying the skies with chemtrails and the pacific ocean air combines with them and they produce toxic rains and they were creating these over strategic targets in CA to get people out, they are poisoning the municipal drinking water in these targeted areas – they are driving these people out because the Rockefellers want to take control of this area as they have declared it free from Natural Disasters – which means they are “making” the “Natural” Disasters themselves, likely with HAARP.

The black people in this area are dropping like flies.

They are putting up “Special” Street Lights with special antennas and now they are being miniaturized to be used in cell phones – to be used as weapons. They will leave a person crippled from EMF.

State Government Colleges have been turned into Satanic institutions.

The colleges no longer want to deal with middle class. And they are doing a huge student load SCAM – Diane Feinstein’s husband is all in this.

They are destroying our country through Universities by hijacking students.

They are militarizing the globe.

All of these politicians are ACTORS. They are all working for the Iranian Ancient Bloodline Families who direct the Jesuits.

Smart Meters are communicated with smart devices, which are communicated with our Bodies – which have special nanotechnology placed in them from our food, water and especially medicine – with an extra emphasis on J A B S and that information is sent 250 miles offshore as it is completely illegal what they are doing and information is analyzed on a ship in International Waters, this data is then sent to a Satellite Company called Inmarsat – which is a British Global satellite company.

*Note: This interview was from 2016 and she is saying what Tivon Rivers and Sabrina Wallace is saying today about the Internet of Bodies and the WBAN – Wireless Body Area Network. See those videos below to find out how we have had Biosensors injected into our body and Trillions of antennas and self-assembling nanobots to form an entire communication system within our bodies, monitoring everything from our thoughts to our blood pressure, heart rate, sugar levels, organ frequency, pathogen load; yes, sounds unbelievable, but it’s true and has been in the “private” medical sector for DECADES, we are just now hearing about it.

Leuren Moret says she gets news from Sputnik, Russia Today, South Front Press –

They are poisoning the planet with Radiation and it is a very serious problem. You add this with everything else they are doing and our bodies are constantly fighting off toxins.

The Jesuits started the Mormon Church.

Leuren Moret says that they used Neutron Bombs in the Iraq War and in the 911 attack on World Trade Centers.

Leuren says that John Kerry personally had 3 Neutron Bombs transferred in 2014 to the Ukraine and given to the Cabal that took over the Government, kind of like the Ukraine’s version of CIA. She says Dick Cheney was involved in this also.

Leuren says that Monsanto wants the Ukraine because it has the richest, most black soil in the world – Monsanto wanted to turn it into all GMO Foods. Russia is now the largest food producer in the world as Putin will not allow any GMO and Europe doesn’t want GMO either.

John Kerry was in Skull & Bones at Yale. Skull & Bones goes back to 1776, it was the second chapter of the Illuminati and his family goes back to Dope, Inc – the book on drugs – back to 1832 – all our leaders are MASSIVE Drug Dealers.

They need to be tried for Treason as they are HIGH Level Criminals and they are Murderers.

But they get on TV and they completely fool everyone with their total b.s. lies.

Clinton is a Dope, Inc – huge drug dealer.

The US Military is being used to destroy the Sovereignty and Civil Societies of the World to get control of Energy Resources – especially in Africa.

The US Gov is working with NATO and the UN to do this – of course, in the name of Democracy.

Trump is a Jesuit Mind Control and will do nothing but run the US into a Police State.

*Note: The man interviewing Leuren Moret in this video is Alfred Lambremont Webre.

About Alfred: Alfred Lambremont Webre is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School and a former Fulbright Scholar. He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas. He is the former general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, former director of the 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study, and former NGO delegate to the United Nations. The author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe, he is the recognized founder of Exopolitics, the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multiverse.


1. Top Videos --–-Jesuits-Trump,-Pope-Mexico-wall--Nuking-USA-:a

2. The Interviewer on Youtube – OmniversityTV --

3. Leuren Moret –


Wireless Body Area Network – WBAN Videos – How We Are Connected To The Internet


2. *** Wireless Body Area Network – How they Run Computer Networks through Human Bodies – Hope & Tivon --

3. *** Biosnesors and MAC Addresses – How do they get the biosensors in me? – What about the MAC ID’s? --

4. *** Biomedical Signals can be Measured from the Human Body Wirelessly – Our body is the Computer Network --

5. *** Wireless Body Area Network – (WBAN) – Was the Purpose of Covid to Connect us to the Cloud? --

6. *** Sabrina Wallace – CoV-BAN, IoT and WBAN – Computer Networking Through the Human Body --

7. *** Prof. Ian F. Akylidiz - "mRNA Vaccines are Injected as Programmable Bio-Nano Machines” --

8. *** 5G is a Weapon System Targeted towards the Injected to Hack inside your Body – WBAN --

9. ***Magnetic Fields of the Human Body – Manly P. Hall --

10. ***What is a Wearable Device --


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END. 10/3/2024 – 3:00 PM

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