COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Heart Problems Leading to Death in Healthy Athletes

2 months ago

09/27/2024 Dr. Peter McCullough: Athletes seem to preferentially be hit with vaccine myopericarditis. The mRNA in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines can produce spike proteins in the heart, which can lead to damage and inflammation. During exercise, the increased blood flow to the myocardium makes athletes more susceptible to sudden cardiac death.
#COVIDVaccine #SpikeProteins #VaccineMyopericarditis #suddencardiacdeath

09/27/2024 彼得·麦卡洛医生:运动员似乎更容易患上疫苗性心肌炎。辉瑞和莫德纳疫苗中的mRNA会在心脏中产生刺突蛋白,刺突蛋白进而会导致心脏出现损伤和炎症。在运动过程中,心肌的血流量增加使运动员更容易发生心源性猝死。
#新冠疫苗 #刺突蛋白 #疫苗性心肌炎 #心源性猝死

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