This is insane

17 hours ago

🚨 MUST WATCH: Japanese Game Developers are frustrated at the forced ridiculous UN driven Globalist agenda compliance they have to include in their game.


“Under the name of compliance…it’s like an absolute God…an evil disguised as good. There’s no such thing as content that doesn’t make everyone uncomfortable. Because beauty and ugliness, good and evil, are different for everyone…

There’s this religious concept from the west, especially in America, that influences their approach to sex education. Their approach to compliance is very narrow minded…doing business with such a ridiculous country is really frustrating. Because of that, Japan gets negatively influenced.

In Dragon Quest, you used to be able to choose between a male and female main character. But now, you can’t choose between a man and a woman anymore. We have to label them as Type 1 and Type 2.

I really wonder, who is even complaining about this?”


This is a common thread in games and other media content. In Baldur’s Gate 3 for instance there is no gender, there are also only Body Type 1,2, etc.

Censorship like this is a slope that does not stop. There is an agenda to erode all meaning from life, where there is no man nor woman, there is no sense of self, and ultimately, there will be no identity left to latch onto, which will make people extremely docile, malleable, and in our opinion, ultimate prove self destructive for humanity.

These types of censorship are Communism in a different package. This road leads to a Soviet Union esque Politbureau of an elite select group of rulers, and everyone else.

This is not a life you want.

Push back against censorship, don’t buy content that’s egregiously controlled, don’t use their talking points, support developers who push back, and don’t let yourself be bullied out of saying what’s right.

Stay based.

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