Tim Walz Admits He Supports Single-Payer, Government-Run ‘Medicare for All’

4 months ago

MODERATOR: “Are you for single-payer?”
WALZ: “I think that’s probably the path where we end up.”
UNKNOWN MALE: “I’m not sure what your answer was. Are you for single-payer?”
WALZ: “Yes, that was the answer I just gave you.” [crosstalk]
UNKNOWN MALE: “You said you think we’re going to go there, but are you for it? Are you going to push to put — to get us there?”
WALZ: “Yes, I — I’m — I’m for not paying twice as much as any other industrialized nation getting half for it. I’m making sure that the 14 top nations that get the best returns at the least cost end up making sure that you cut out that piece of the simply payer keeping getting between people and their — their — their doctors.”

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