Robot Sci Fi Short Story From the 1950s Roger D Aycock Slave of Eternity

5 months ago

Robot Sci Fi Short Science Fiction Story From the 1950s Slave of Eternity by Roger Dee aka Roger D Aycock

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ... these were the familiar laws of man—Far more fiendish was Heric's punishment—eternal life for the death he'd taken! Slave of Eternity by Roger D. Aycock, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

This is the first time Roger D. Aycock has been on the podcast. Aycock was born in Georgia in 1914. Writing under the pseudonym Roger Dee, D double E, he wrote a dozen novels and more than 50 short stories, most of them in the 1950s.

From Super Science Stories in May 1950, today’s story can be found on page 84, Slave of Eternity by Roger D. Aycock…

Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, C'mon out of the shadows, Homer. Here's one who claims you as his patron. Unstring your lyre, mighty bard and sing the epic of Achilles Maravain, who can't be hurt by bullets, bombs, or blasters, and whose touch brings instant death! Gangway for Home by George R. Hahn.

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