Early Philip K Dick Story Adjustment Team The Early Days of Science Fiction

5 months ago

Philip Dick Story Adjustment Team The Early Days of Sci Fi Short Science Fiction Story From the 1950s

Something went wrong… and Ed Fletcher got mixed up in the biggest thing in his life. Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

Another day and another Philip K. Dick story that became a movie. If Adjustment Team doesn’t ring a bell, maybe The Adjustment Bureau will. The Adjustment Bureau starring Matt Damon and Emily Blunt was released in 2011, received positive reviews from critics and did almost $128 million worldwide at the box office.

Adjustment Team was published in only the 4th issue of Orbit Science Fiction Magazine and what turned out to be its next to last issue, in September 1954. Flip to page 81 for , Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick…

Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, The Luckiest Man Alive–obviously, will be the man who’s chosen “Mister Earth”! The Luckiest Man Alive by William Morrison.

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