Grand Theft Auto V | Assassination spree, saving hostages from drug gangs, and rogue security

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GTA V story mode play-through part 13...
Finishing up the last 4 assassination missions for Lester with Franklin. Starting with the multi target missions taking down four corrupt jurors that are planning to throw a class-action lawsuit against Redwood Cigarettes. This is done under a time limit and you don't have to worry about police. Next is the vice assassination where Franklin must find and kill Jackson Skinner, the head of product development at Facade. He drives up to a prostitute in a back alley (easy clean kill). Next is the bus assassination where Franklin hijacks a bus and drives its route until he finds the bus stop that a man called Isaac Penny, who is about to take a controlling share in the Vapid Motor Company is. Before he can escape, Franklin kills him. The last and hardest is the construction assassination. Lester tells Franklin to take down Enzo Bonelli, a mafia member turned real estate developer. At the construction site, Enzo is already escaping to the roof the to be near his chopper since he knows there's a hit out for him. Franklin shoots his way through tons of bodyguards and up to the roof of the site, taking down the helicopter and then rappelling down the building to leave the area (definitely cheated by skipping on this one).
Back to the main story, Franklin is back at his house and Tanisha shows up to tell him that Lamar needs help and Stretch has set him up again and he's been taken to the Paleto Forest Sawmill. Franklin calls Lester who finds out a weed operation is taking place there by a gang. He asks Lester to send Michael and Trevor there to meet him. The trio splits up, taking the site at all angles and kills as many gang members as possible until they find Lamar and fight there way out of the site, getting into separate cars and fleeing. Franklin takes Lamar back to his house where Steve Haines and Dave Norton show up and tell him they want Franklin to kill Trever since he's a liability and that they'll be in touch.
Switching to Michael as he heads to Ponsonbys for a tuxedo to attend the movie premiere for Meltdown, as the associate producer. He meets up with Jimmy and they take limo to the Oriental Theater on Vinewood Boulevard. On the ride over, Devin calls Michael, accusing him of killing Molly. Michael tells him to chill but Devin sarcastically tells him he'll forgive and forget. Michael and Jimmy arrive and walk the red carpet. Michael and Solomon celebrate on the carpet together. Before Michael and Jimmy head into the theater, Devin shows up and implies that he's done something to Amanda. Michael and Jimmy rush back to home and find the Merryweather agents have taken over the house and have guns to Amanda and Tracey. Michael is able to kill them and then has to sweep the house of more agents. As he makes his way back to Amanda and Tracy, once last agent grabs Michael, but Jimmy comes to the rescue and hits him over the head. Michael sends the family away and tells Lester what happened.

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