Krishna Explains: When Will the Golden Age Come? Where Are Shambhala and Vaikuntha?

5 months ago

In this video, we connected with Krishna through channeling and talked about his mission on Earth, the role of reincarnation, and the deeper spiritual truths hidden in ancient texts. How to Free Yourself from Karma and Break the Cycle of Rebirth? We also touched on the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, karma, and how to unlock the Golden Age within ourselves. Krishna’s insights offer a fresh perspective on how spirituality can be part of everyday life, not just meditation or rituals. Channeled by Yuri Fidr

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00:10 Why did Krishna come to Earth?
02:55 About the Quran and the Christian Bible
05:25 Should a woman serve a man?
07:41 Does that mean the Earth is flat?
10:09 About the heavenly planet Vaikuntha
11:17 Does Shambhala exist?
12:20 Do you need to be a vegetarian?
13:40 How do you stop reincarnating on Earth?
16:17 Are mantras effective?
19:11 When will the Golden Age come?

DISCLAIMER: All channeled messages are provided for entertainment purposes ONLY. Any relation to real events, persons or places is purely coincidental.

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