Primani bro's Allegedly threatened to call police on JD Vance

5 months ago

Primanti Bros. declined to permit J.D. Vance entry to their establishment. Although articles report that Mr. Vance was eventually allowed inside to meet with individuals, the accurate account is that Mr. Vance risked a trespass violation to settle the bill for all patrons after they canceled their orders upon learning that he would not be permitted on the premises.

Despite the circumstances, Mr. Vance demonstrated a conciliatory spirit by urging those present not to hold the manager responsible. This act of magnanimity is noteworthy and reflects positively on Mr. Vance's character.

On Sunday, Harris’ campaign posted a video on X showing Harris being welcomed as a hero in Primanti Bros. back in August. The message was as clear as it was ugly - unlike Republicans, Democrats are welcome in polite society.

Let’s set to one side the fact that Harris' appearance at the Steel City staple this summer was met by widespread mockery when it was discovered her campaign had kicked out actual diners and bused in supporters to set the fraudulent scene. That’s bad enough.

Primanti Bros. confirmed that was what happened and that really should have been the end of it. But no, not for Kamala Harris, the ‘me’ girl, around whom all things must revolve.

No, the vice president of the United States had to spike the football on X over her astroturf event at the greasy spoon, even if it meant hurting the business. You see, Harris winning is more important than any individual small business.

And it was done in such an obnoxious way. Does Harris really want all of our businesses segregated by the politics of the customers? How ghastly.

The brutal fact is that the only moral compass Harris and her campaign have is set squarely on a north star of victory, not helping actual people, even if they think they might get around to that part eventually.

In the meantime, much like the bused-in participants at her event at Primanti Bros., we are all just extras in Kamala’s Excellent Adventure.

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