Messiahs birth date calculated & known. Born in Bethlehem in the Autumn feasts not at 'December 25th'

3 days ago

(See all below ... What is the name of Jesus it Jesus or Iésous or Joshua or Yehoshua or Yeshua ? ...see below & Nimrod changed feasts, times and dates but so to did the Kings of Israel and Judah. Designed changes in error from within and without. Worship on Dec 25th ? why ? or worship the Messiahs birth in the Autumn but do not mix the two as one and the same)

Any prospective Messiah must fulfill Micah 5,2 and other prophetic requirements. Micah 5,2 & Luke 2:11-44 (Matthew 2) i.e. to be born in Bethlehem (Ephrathah)

see also DPI MINISTRIES_ WHEN WAS THE MESSIAH OF ISRAEL BORN on on rumble once more ...or again on bitchute ... or here again
or more info rumble ("Advent" is really Yule & see all below + Cornerfringe ministries on the sabbath, this vid on you tube at the end)


The Sukkot Feast Part 1 days 1 - 7 into the 8th day (a visual in depth recap on all the feasts)

(cornerfringe ministries ) "The 10 Commandments Pt 15 The Fourth Commandment Pt 1, Remember the Sabbath" (see also parts 16 - 26 on this great and very revealing subject ...concluding with part 26 )

The Weeping for & Mark of Tammuz, Ash Wednesday, Lent & Easter Heresies (Ezekiel 8,14 Abominations) or once again on youtube

Yeshua fasted 40 days & was tempted NOT IN THE SPRING (Passover / crucifixion) but in the early Autumn / late summer. His fast & temptation ended on the end of Yom Kippur, 10 days after the start of the Feast of Trumpets. (in the 10 days of awe) The 40 days began on the 1st of Elul (the 6th month of the year in August or September) i.e " First of Elul, the beginning of the 40 days of corporate national repentance up to Yom Kippur (a practice based on the Book of Haggai, where in chapter 1 we see God calling the returned Israelite's to “Consider their ways” beginning on the first day of the sixth month, Elul 1) Woman wept for 40 days for Tammuz before "Easter" near the Equinox as the Book of Jasher relates

This is why we keep the 7 feasts to Gods calendar of Leviticus 23 & because God commands us to i.e. Levi 23, 2 & "These are MY appointed feasts, the feasts of the LORD that you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies" (This vid on YT

Tammuz ( a Babylonian name not a month of Israel as alss Nisan) was the son of semiramis and Nimrod (aka Gilgamesh great grandson of Noah ) who built Babylon, but semiramis was also Nimrods Mother so Tammuz was incestuous This legend was passed down to Egypt as I H S (on the communion wafers) as Isis Horus and Set which became disguised in Iconography as "Jesus Mary and Joseph"

Saturnalia Nimrod Tammuz Saturn Worship - Christmas Pagan Roots



(this video taken from) "How to Calculate When Jesus Was Born"


(Jesus or Iésous or Joshua or Yehoshua Yeshua ? ...see below and the deabte between the Septuagint, textus receptus which underpoins the King James 1611 and the Codex Sinaiticus & Africanus & the Dead Sea Scrolls and its modern script, The Aleppo Codex, The Tyndale bible from Hebrew and Greek texts, although it relied heavily upon the Latin Vulgate and Luther's German New Testament and the Geneva bible )

Jesus in Greek = Iésous which is derived from Joshua and Joshua is a base for jesus ...both mean savior... Joshua in Greek is iesous and iesous in Hebrew is Yehoshua, which means “God is salvation” or “God saves.” The name is made up of two parts: “yeho,” which means “God,” and “shua,” which means “to save” or “to deliver.” Yehoshua or Yeshua are all valid names of Jesus is not a 'Hebrew roots" plot as of course the 12 tribes and gentiles were given the scriptures to their minds and to speak 

Luke 1 “Son of the Most High” and “Immanuel” are TITLES but Jesus is His “formal” NAME given at birth.
Mary and Joseph were most likely multilingual and pronounced Jesus as  Joshua but with no J in Hebrew then it would look like this Yehoshua.

The disciple James was called Yakov. The disciple Yochanan: The name John that we read in the gospels is an English approximation of the Aramaic or Hebrew name Yochanan which means “Yahweh is gracious.”...and so on 

Abba Father is GODs term to be named as Abba Father

Gods name not to be taken in vain is perceived to be "I am that I am" which looks like YHWH (no vowels in Hebrew and they were added later so it was not Yahweh to look at but was pronounced similar. Yet YHWH is not a name but a description and in the Greek Septuagint (translated from the original Hebrew) the full verse of this famous phrase in Exodus 3,14 is " I am THE BEING"  (a description of him pre-existent) as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence

The Greek Septuagint also has "the only begotten son of God" as in John 1, 18 & John 3, 16, so not just Jesus or the disciples but also in the 'Old' Testament in the septuagint as Psalm 22,20 left out of the Masoretic text

These verses are left out of the later Masoretic texts of 150 ad fwd such as Psalm 151, Exodus 12,40 Israelites in Egypt and Canaan 430 years. Jesus is a High Priest Psalm 110, 4 and Melchizedek was not from the tribe of Shem who did not outlive Abraham, Levi was the third son of Jacob and Leah, according to the Book of Genesis.

Genesis 25:19-34"New International Version"  to use a very bad translation but which points out the births of Jacob and Esau

Jacob and Esau 19 This is the account of the family line of Abraham’s son Isaac.Abraham became the father of Isaac, 20 and Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram[a] and sister of Laban the Aramean.21 Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. 22 The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, “Why is this happening to me?” So she went to inquire of the Lord. 23 The Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb,
    and two peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will be stronger than the other,
    and the older will serve the younger.”24 When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb. 25 The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau.[b] 26 After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel; so he was named Jacob.[c] Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them. 

see also Hebrews 7,3, who had no genealogy. Numbers, 1, 18 Jesus is “a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 5:8-10).

See also  Christ in the Passover, The Meaning of the 'Afikomen' at Passover...Truly Astonishing

Lord" is pronounced Adonai, meaning "Lord" even though YHVH actually means "Being" and Lord is a title not a name. His name is not EL or Isis etc. 

His name is not Elohim as many gods but as the children of El a Canaanite god. El Shaddai is a title not a name.  

i Kings 9,10 states there are 2 House of Israel not one tribe of Judah as Judaism but as 12 tribes,,,ism or 13 with Levi  (is 'Danism' a religion) The 12 tribes inherit Greater Israel see also 1 Kings 15, 27 for the house of Issachar as the house of Israel (10 tribes) and throughout the bible and books of Kings, Chronicles and Samuel and Revelations. However when both Houses were in Unison they were stronger and when the King was chosen by God and was faithful the congregation was stronger (King David being a servant who obeyed or try to obey Deuteronomy 17:14-20 as a servant)

Joshua was not Jewish but from the tribe of Joseph and Moses was not Jewish but Hebrew, Saul (note this was his Hebrew complaints there from the complainers but became Paul )

God works with individuals first in salvation directly to form eventually an ecclesia or congregation of called out believers not a church hierarchy (church or kirk derives from Circe a Greek Goddess, a congregation is not quite the same as a republic as of course God is king, but those with responsibility in the congregation are servants (not over but servants) and God today can bypass them in beginning salvation but in baptism and laying on of hands the congregation help complete the work of a new birth which is the main point of the process of salvation not academic church and its bureaucracy and deadness which pulls people into a hierarchy. A Nazarene was set aside for a purpose separate from the prophets and for reasons only known to god ) 

Whether it is the OT or NT the father as i am and the spirit of God (Ruach or wind or spirit ) are mentioned and Joshua in the OT or Jesus Iésous Joshua Yehoshua means salvation so we can determine that the "being" is .... I am he who breathes (Genesis 2,7 and John 3,5 and Matthew 3,11  ) salvation.... which requires not just believing as even the demons believe (James 2:19)but by believing through the blood and then RECEIVING from the spirit which is visible proof of being sealed by the blood...believe and receive by all 3 powers of the Godhead as one God with 3 natures, not 3 gods with a joint agreement to rule or to be in unison

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