World Poverty, Immigration & Gumballs

2 days ago

Imagine a nation where the gates are flung wide open, where the concept of a "border" is treated as an antique notion rather than a sovereign necessity. This isn't the plot of a dystopian novel; it's the reality at the United States border today, a reality crafted not by necessity or accident, but by deliberate policy or, more accurately, the lack thereof.
Every day, thousands of foreign nationals cross into our country, many without the slightest vetting. This isn't immigration; it's an invasion by invitation, an invitation extended by an administration that has turned its back on the very concept of nationhood. The argument for compassion is noble, but what of the compassion for the citizens of this country, for the rule of law, or for the victims of this policy?
Let's talk about the children - hundreds of thousands, not just numbers on a page, but human lives. These children are trafficked, used, and abused in the most heinous ways imaginable: for sex, for labor, reduced to commodities in a market fueled by the very openness of our borders. This is not mere happenstance; it's a direct consequence of policies that refuse to enforce immigration laws.
Why does this administration, with Kamala Harris at the helm of border policy, turn a blind eye? Here's a stark, uncomfortable truth: because the chaos serves a purpose. It creates dependency, it fosters a crisis that demands ever more government intervention, and it cultivates a voter base. But at what cost? The cost is the integrity of our nation, the safety of our streets, and the future of countless children caught in the crossfire of political expediency.
Critics will say this view is harsh, lacking empathy. But where's the empathy for the American worker who sees jobs taken by those who've entered illegally? Where's the empathy for communities overwhelmed by unvetted masses, leading to stretched resources, from schools to emergency rooms? And most gravely, where's the empathy for trafficked children, whose cries for help are drowned out by the political rhetoric of open borders?
The administration's refusal to enforce immigration laws isn't just a policy failure; it's a moral failing. When a nation stops guarding its borders, it stops protecting its people. The argument that this open-door policy helps those in need overlooks the brutal reality: it helps traffickers, it aids cartels, and it harms the most vulnerable among us - the children.
I'm not against [lawful] immigration. I'm against the chaos, the lawlessness, and the silent endorsement of a modern form of slavery under the guise of humanitarianism. It's time to demand accountability, to seal our borders not out of fear, but out of a responsibility to protect all children, both American and those seeking refuge, from becoming mere statistics in a political game.
Enforce the laws. Secure the borders. Save the children. This isn't just policy; it's a call to retain our humanity in the face of calculated indifference.
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