SSP, Secret space programs, memories, nazis, aliens, abductions, mind control,

4 months ago

Glitch the Matrix EP 19 :SSP, secret space, Corey Goode, David wilcock, awakening, ascension, age of Aquarius

Join Christina Skywalker, Jessi Reeser Ballivian, and Kyle Hansen as we delve into the intriguing world of the Secret Space Program (SSP). In this episode, we’ll take you on a journey through the brief history and origins of the SSP, exploring its enigmatic details and uncovering the connections between memories, recollections, and the mysteries that surround this secretive realm.

🌌 What We’ll Cover:

The origins and evolution of the Secret Space Program
Key details and revelations about the SSP
Insights into memories and recollections related to SSP experiences
Discover why understanding the SSP is crucial for awakening and glitching the matrix. This exploration reveals hidden truths that challenge conventional perceptions and inspire a deeper understanding of our reality.

🔔 Subscribe for more episodes and updates!

“Glitch the Matrix” is a podcast for awakening, where we decode the reality of our existence. We believe we are the fabric of reality itself, with our minds and hearts at the center of this experience. Our ability to manifest using source energy has been hijacked, but now we’re starting a revolution of the great awakening. Our ideas and perspectives shape reality, and as we free our minds and reclaim our sovereignty as angelic sentient beings, we change the course of the story. We encourage our listeners to form their own conclusions and ideas as we continue to evolve and grow our own ideas and perspectives. Come along for the journey!

#GlitchTheMatrix #SecretSpaceProgram #SSP #Podcast #ChristinaSkywalker #JessiReederBallivian #KyleHansen #SpaceMysteries #HiddenHistory #Awakening #Matrix

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