The S_icide of Our Once Great Nation Australia by Senator Papahatziharalambrous

5 months ago

People have got to know the truth.

• The Beginning of the End: How They Took God Out and Sold Us Hedonism
• Climate Guilt: The Biggest Con Job of the Century
• Population Replacement: The Final Nail in the Coffin
• Useful Idiots: A Soviet Term for a Reason
• Final Thoughts: Where Do We Go from Here?

"The Beginning of the End: How They Took God Out and Sold Us Hedonism

Let’s start at the beginning, or as close as we can get without falling into some black hole of existential dread. At some point, someone (and by "someone," I mean the elites) decided that God was passé. Yep, that old-school belief system that helped build Australia into the strong, freedom-loving country it was—Gone. Tossed out like last week’s fish and chips wrapper. Suddenly, morality was labelled as "oppressive," and any mention of family values made you a "bigot." Meanwhile, the same mob telling you to drop God like a bad habit were pushing sex, drugs, and rock n' roll as the new trinity of human fulfilment.

Don’t believe me? Look around. When was the last time you heard anyone seriously talk about family or church? Nah mate, these days it’s all about who’s "swiping right" and what’s trending on Netflix. They didn’t just remove God from the picture, they replaced Him with celebrities, porn, and reality TV. And you lapped it up! I mean, who needs eternal salvation when you’ve got “Love Island” on demand and free porn in your pocket, right? Look, I love a bit of entertainment as much as the next bloke, but when you build a society on hedonism, don’t be surprised when it crumbles faster than an overcooked pavlova.

Climate Guilt: The Biggest Con Job of the Century

Now, while the Socialists were distracting you with the sexual revolution and telling you that church was for idiots, they threw the climate guilt trip on your back. The planet’s dying, they said. And you’re the reason, mate. Yep, you! Driving your car to work, daring to use plastic straws, and—God forbid—having a bloody grouse Aussie steak. You’re killing the planet, they scream, as they hop into their private jets, sip champagne at climate summits, and chuck their gold-plated waste straight into the ocean like it’s a scene from some twisted Bond villain lair.

The hypocrisy is enough to make you choke on your overpriced avocado toast. They push climate doom while they profit from it, guilt-tripping you into thinking that you driving your kids to footy practice is the problem, all the while multinational corporations are dumping more waste than a toddler with a sugar high in a crèche. But yeah, your reusable shopping bags are going to save the planet. Keep telling yourself that.

And here’s the cherry on top: They told you the world’s population is too high. Can’t support it, they say. So, they make the cost of living impossible, locking you into a life where you can barely afford rent, let alone kids. You want to start a family? Good luck with that, mate. Hope you enjoy being told by some smug "expert" that it’s irresponsible to have kids in "this economy" while you slave away to pay for the privilege of merely existing.

Population Replacement: The Final Nail in the Coffin

As if getting rid of God and strangling you with climate guilt wasn’t enough, they’ve gone one better. They’ve opened the floodgates and brought in people from nations alien to our Western heritage. And before you get your knickers in a twist—no, this isn’t some xenophobic rant about immigrants. I’m all for a fair go, but let’s be bloody honest: there’s a difference between welcoming new Aussies and actively dismantling the culture that made this country great in the first place.

For centuries, Australia’s core values were rooted in freedom, mateship, and a Christian ethos. That doesn’t mean every Aussie was a church-goer or wore a cross around their neck, but those values permeated our institutions, our way of life, and our sense of community. And now? Well, those values are being eroded, brick by brick, by ideologies that have nothing in common with our own history and culture. We’ve opened the door to people who, let’s face it, don’t give a damn about preserving Western traditions. And why should they? It’s not their history, not their way of life.

So, who will keep the torch burning for Australia’s unique culture? Who will stand up for the values that gave us our freedom? I’ll tell you who won’t: the people coming in from countries that don’t share a belief in freedom of speech, the separation of church and state, or even basic human rights as we know them. The cold hard truth is we’re being replaced, and not by accident. It’s a deliberate, calculated move to dilute our cultural identity, to make us more compliant, more divided, and easier to control. And you’re letting it happen while you post selfies and cheer on the latest reality TV trainwreck. Wake up, Australia!"

The 13 O'clock News:

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