Practically Reformed 8: What Should Christians Do When Leaders Fall? Handling Scandals in the Church

5 months ago

Ever wondered how Christians should respond when well-known Christian leaders and pastors fall from grace? From King David’s example in the Bible to modern celebrity pastors, the conversation around sin, repentance, and restoration is more relevant than ever. In light of Steve Lawson's story, Steve Meihdahl and Vince Rossignol dive into the impact of scandals on the church and culture, exploring why some pastors fall and how we should react. What is the role of repentance, and can a fallen pastor be restored to ministry? Learn about the importance of local church accountability, why the "Billy Graham Rule" matters, and how not to idolize Christian leaders.

In this episode, we discuss:
1. The fall of celebrity Christian leaders
2. The role of local church accountability
3.The balance between grace and discipline
4. How the culture reacts to Christian scandals

Curious about how to handle the failures of those in ministry? Stick around to find out!
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and Culture - Francis A. Schaffer - The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul (kindle) - The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul (paperback) - Chosen by God - R.C. Sproul (kindle) - Chosen by God - R.C. Sproul (paperback)

#churchscandals, #pastorfall, #celebritychristians, #stevemeidahl, #vincerossignol, #firstchurchofwaterville #practicallyreformed

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