⚡ Trump’s 5 Steps to Master Persuasion

5 months ago

TRUMP vs HARRIS behavior analysis reveals Kennedy's potential influence to behavior experts.
Kamala Harris has emerged as a strong contender in the presidential race against Donald Trump following President Joe Biden's exit from the election bid in July. Since then her name has climbed high on several polls determining the weather in the battle leading up to November's elections. The Democratic and Republican presidential candidate rivals are tussling with each other in a back-and-fourth tug-of-war, with some polls swinging in favour of one and others deciding otherwise. The Behavior Panel comprises the world's leading body language and behavior experts: Scott Rouse, Mark Bowden, Chase Hughes, and Greg Hartley. They analyze behavior and body language in videos of public interest. This non-partisan group aims to educate and entertain, focusing on nonverbal communication, deception detection, behavioral analysis, statement analysis, interrogation, and resistance to interrogation. Through careful examination of gestures, expressions, linguistics, and cultural context, they reveal truths and deceptions. The Behavior Panel is prominently featured on The Dr. Phil Show and has its own show on the US TV Network, Merit Street Media. Fair Use Disclaimer This video contains copyrighted material that is used for educational and commentary purposes. In accordance with Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. The content used in this video is transformative in nature and does not seek to infringe on the original work’s market or value. All rights to the original content remain with the respective copyright holders. Viewers are encouraged to access the original material for full context and further information. #trump #kamala #harris #bodylanguage #behavioranalysis #behavioralpsychology #learnbodylanguage #thebehavioralarts #howtoreadpeople #psychology #deception #meritstreet #meritstreetmedia #thebehaviorpanel #bodylanguageanalysis #interrogation #interview

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