China’s Stimulus Measures Without Any Reforms Won’t Save Its Flagging Economy and Stocks

2 months ago

09/27/2024 Derek Scissors, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute on CNBC: The latest measures introduced by China to boost the economy did not mention reform at all, so it would not be able to save its flagging economy, and the stock market rebound would only be short-lived.
#ChinaStocks #Economicdownturn #GovernmentControl #DerekScissors
09/27/2024 美国企业研究所高级研究员德里克·西索斯做客CNBC 时表示,中共国最新提振经济的举措中没有一次提到改革,因此无法挽救下滑的经济,股市的反弹也只是昙花一现。
#中国股市 #经济下滑 #政府控制 #德里克·西索斯

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