Vaccine Injured Stand United

16 hours ago

United In Mass Is The Only Way To Instigate Change. The Regulatory Agencies Of The Government & The Law Makers Who Have Passed The Laws That Protect Big Pharma From Accountability In All Their Pay For Play Schemes Need Eliminated And Replaced With Real Public Serving Bodies That Will Do The Job Our Current Agencies Are Supposed To Be There For. Protect The People And The People's Rights. They Purposely Lie To You And Then If They Get Caught On Something Just Pretend They Made A Mistake And Are Aloud To Carry On Business As Usual, To Fuck You Over Again. It's Ridiculous.
In This Young Ladies Case, And Every Other Medical Injury Case. Every Nurse, Doctor And Tech That Was Involved In Forcing These Shots On Her Need To Be Criminally Charged And Lose Their Licenses To Practice. Period.
No Debate, No Discussion, Straight To Jail So They Can Never Hurt Another Person Again.
Every Day These people Shoot Poisons Into Babies, Children & Adults And Then Pretend They Are "Good Guys". Murder Thousands On Ventilators And Blame It On "Covid". Not To Mention All The Rest Of The Daily Routines Of Killing Cancer Patients With Barbaric Chemo & Rads, Or The Fraud Of "Preventative Medicine" Which Causes Disease & Sells Billions In Drugs For Their Over Lords To Make You Even Sicker. i Could Go On. However, My Point Is Made Already.
Just Say No.

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