Karmic Change Twin Towers Energy Vlog

5 months ago

Karmic Change Twin Towers Energy Vlog title is form the date September 29, 2024 thus 46 Which adds to # 10 The Wheel of Fortune big Karmic Change is coming. The Twin Towers of 9/11/2001 is promoted by the double amplitudes powers of 16 the Tower card.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us three amplitudes , the first a power of 16 at 5:15 AM UTC thus Justice was misplaced on the destruction of the twin towers. The second amplitude power of 16 at 8:15 AM UYC thus Temperance is needed when looking at the Twin Towers of 9/11/2001. The third amplitude power of 26 at 9:45 thus we have the moon in Leo to begin the day ending with it in Virgo with a sextile to Venus in Scorpio coming on strong and brave to bring the truth about the twin towers. The Quality is a power of # 10 the Wheel of Fortune with big Karmic change. The Frequency average of 7.55 hertz thus # 17 the Star card with Hope and clarity of vision in spite of her vulnerability.

Space Weather site showed us a M class CME though it will not affect us. The Solar wind density is 9 Protons per Centimeter. The solar wind speed is at 490 Kilometers per second. The Temperature of the solar wind is at 490,000 Kelvin today so quite hot. The KP Index started in the green rose up to a level of 3.75 and ended at level three of geomagnetic activity.

I shared two Cliff High substacks one an article on Electricity produced without fuel or mechanical manipulation thus Zero Point generation. The second was a video where he talked about DAT files he has to pick up from the post office.

The last share was the 9/11 site where I destroyed their narrative that athis was Afghans with box cutters crashing planes into the twin towers. First they were saudis and secondly the planes could not take down those towers by themselves. Then there is the evidence of thermite residue in the dust fro the twin tower collapse. lending more weight to it being an inside job.

I* pulled two
Elemental oracle cards the first was the Ocean card with a keyword of bravery which you certainly need back in the days of sailing ships wheere we got the phrase False flag from Pirates how would fly the flag of the ship they were going to raid thus false flag the still captured the ship and murdered the crew.
The next card was the Atom card with the key word building which the atom is the building block for us and all material things .
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News:
Space Weather site:
Cliff high's substack article on energy:
Cliff High's Substack Video:
9/11 twin tower mainstream page:

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