20240409 150110 Tux Search Day#2 Outside

3 months ago

Looking for Tux on the second day after being returned outdoors after staying at two of our homes for the last seven weeks after getting neutered. I used to feed him daily nearer to where the video started, but he seems to be spending most of his time over here where it's more comfortable. This location seems to have significantly fewer passers-by for him to meet and hopefully to feed him, which will become more critical when I move out-of-state in a couple of months. But until then I expect to see him and feed him daily, because there's nothing that I'd rather be doing.

There is an office building immediately adjacent, but relatively few stroll through this area because there were multiple homeless encampments close by. After years the camping spots were finally cleared, but too few office-dwellers take the time to take advantage of this very nice stretch of outdoors immediately next to their building.

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