Star Trek Online: Sela's Past Revealed - A Sad Tale.

5 months ago

First up some Fleet business. Time to inspect some slovenly cadets and sort out their uniforms, the untidy slobs all have creased collars, we'll knock them into shape if it's the last thing we do. Then we head on to see what we can do to thwart the Sphere builders so we team up with Daniels once more and head to some temporal disturbances. The Yorktown needs rescuing, of course we manage that and then head to the sphere where we discover that the threat is even more serious than we feared, the builders have wiped out entire galaxies with their experiments... we must stop them here. Fighting past Klingon forces we hunt down a builder and manage to plant the demolition charges destroying the threat for now.

We then head off to find Sela (again) and after putting her ship out of order we take her onboard (and into custody) as we head off to find Admiral T'Nae's time-displaced twin. The planet we find ourselves on is suffering from many serious time fractures. As we begin to solve the problems we discover a trail of Star Fleet datapads that tell the tales of the prisoners held here - one of them is Tasha Yar, who we discover was held by Sela's father. Sela and Tasha have a past and the story laid out in the datapads is a moving one. Finally we track down T'Nae and after saving her from a Tholian away team we find the last resting place of the Starfleet crew held here as prioners which includes the grave of Tasha Yar.

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