March 2018 video call number 1 between Ayrton, Gabrielle & daddy as a form of indirect contact

4 months ago

Video call starts with positive vibes, Ayrton is the first 1 to talk with daddy, & conversation starts with Ayrton's recent football session, what were they doing on that day, some of his accomplishments on a game, then daddy goes off picture to show them his motorbike outside, starting it up & revving it for them to see or hear.

Ayrton & daddy then try to engage in a penalty shootout game via messenger however, daddy has trouble with his end of the game despite several attempts. This leaves Ayrton to get somewhat frustrated & then rather distracted from interacting with daddy, leaving him hanging as Ayrton continues to play the game without him.

It becomes clear that their mom hasn't prepared an ideal setting or provided guidelines for them to focus on engaging with daddy. Ayrton keeps doing his own thing, which leaves daddy out. Daddy seems to get somewhat frustrated too, but also sad although he still remains calm. It gets to a point when there's no interaction amongst them, & as daddy tries to bring this to Ayrton's attention, Ayrton doesn't seem to take it serious, briefly laughing & talking back at daddy, leading to daddy ending the call, to then resume a few moments later.

It isn't the first time this lack of focus is displayed, & usually stems from there being too many distractions around them, lack of structure, from not having eaten enough or a combination of those. Ultimately, it can be heard from Ayrton's tone of voice that he is rather disinterested &/or demotivated to engage in conversation with daddy.

Gabrielle then takes over the call with daddy. She starts off by reading a story to him, but still the direct engagement & focus on interacting with daddy keeps getting disrupted by a number of interruptions. This recording then has an intermission as the battery ran out on daddy's external recording device.

However, after the story & when the video resumes as daddy inserts another battery, Gabrielle & daddy seem to become more productive interacting with each other. They briefly talked about Gabrielle going on a bike ride, & also with her cousin.

Ayrton loses even more interest in a rather unproductive call & decides to go watch a film instead, very quickly saying farewell to daddy. Gabrielle then also seems inclined to join her brother in going to play outside, losing focus on daddy trying to gesture "I love you" & "I miss you" in sign language, taking daddy a few attempts to get through to her. Gabrielle then very quickly says farewell to daddy too, terminating the call. In comparison to several other calls, Ayrton & Gabrielle made very futile attempts at saying their adorable goodbye rituals.

As previously mentioned, mommy had this methodology of behaving differently in the presence of different people, in order to match the narrative she had been pushing with each of them. This is relevant because when comparing this video call with 1 on the 1st of January 2018, when she is rather chatty with daddy to the point of hijacking the call from Ayrton & Gabrielle, to this call when she displays a rather careless & evasive conduct, which she is highly likely doing so in the presence of her new boyfriend in order to match the narrative she has pushed onto him, trying to convince she is a victim of abusive behaviour from daddy, thus displaying carelessness toward the impact her actions have on Ayrton & Gabrielle's relationship with daddy, the supposedly abusive individual as she portrays him to be to almost everyone else.

As a result, this video call was clearly rather unproductive & it would be rather inaccurate to suggest there to have been significant meaningful interaction amongst them. Ayrton & Gabrielle are undoubtedly not to blame for this, as they simply became tools for their mother's malicious agenda. It is rather sad to watch this video call unfolding & its outcome, hence the thumbnail.

This clip has no edits except the parts to conceal private body parts, because I want the original full length unedited footage of our supervised contact sessions or video calls, to be published on this platform & Rumble, to help yall establish whether daddy + Ayrton + Gabrielle needed to be kept apart from each other or not.

Highlights have & are being published in clips of less than a minute across several social media platforms. We are working on a dedicated website at to expose the crimes, sabotage, fabrication of facts used to falsely justify Ayrton & Gabrielle being kept away from daddy to date.

Much more to come soon. Thanks for watching, please subscribe, specially as the most controversial content is yet to come, & there's plenty of it to be published.

#funwithkids, #supervisedcontact, #justice4abreuonline, #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu, #singleparent, #daddygorilladumdum, #fatherhoodbreakdown, #parentalalienation, #humanrights, #falsedomesticabuse, #narcicisticparent, #implacablehostility, #corruptsocialworkers #childabuse

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