The Coverup: ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Not Reporting That 425,000 Convicted Criminals Are Here Illegally

2 months ago

Posted • September 29, 2024: The deputy director of ICE has revealed in a letter that there are more than 425,000 non-detained noncitizen convicted criminals running loose in the country. On you Harris. ALL of it. -- More than 13,000 convicted of homicide and nearly 16,000 convicted of sexual assault. And that's the official number from ICE, i.e., the ones we know about. Kamala Harris once asked the ICE director if he saw any parallels between his organization and the Ku Klux Klan. Sanctuary cities refuse to let their local law enforcement assist ICE in doing its job. Harris was among the "Abolish ICE" crowd. Listen to Kamala Harris call ICE agents the KKK, knowing most of them are Hispanic. Listen to the demeaning way in which she does it too. And remember that as she poses for photo ops like the snake that she is.

THE COVERUP: So I just checked ABC, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, and none of them are reporting on the ICE report showing 425,000 convicted criminals entered our border illegally. 13,099 are convicted of Homicide Murder. 15,811 are convicted of Sexual Assault. (…)

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