31 Affirmations for Increasing Faith (no music)

3 months ago

Faith can have a powerful effect on our lives. It can help us attain success in many areas. Affirmations reinforce pathways in our subconscious mind, affecting our vibration and thus our manifestations.

music version: https://youtu.be/sARqAx6TDb4

31 Affirmations for Increasing Faith list:

1. I have faith in God
2. My faith increases daily
3. My faith dissolves all fear, doubt and anxiety from my life
4. I have faith in my purpose
5. I speak with confidence
6. I have faith in the Word of God
7. I have faith in God’s law
8. I have faith that the Truth will prevail
9. I have faith in myself
10. Outward appearances do not faze me
11. I have confident expectation that life is working out for my ultimate good
12. I read sound spiritual scripture daily
13. I vibrate success
14. I am living in prosperity
15. I am so happy and grateful that I have way more than enough
16. I go for what is rightfully mine
17. I live righteously
18. I am healthy
19. I am wealthy
20. I am in love
21. I live my life with confidence
22. I trust the Lord
23. I trust divine providence
24. My supply comes from God
25. I bless those around me
26. I bless material things around me
27. I send out vibrations of love
28. I see my life working out wonderfully
29. I have faith in my prayers as already done
30. I have faith that the Lord will work it out
31. Faith is all throughout my mind, body and soul

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