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Is Boris Johnson Guilty of Genocide?

5 months ago

rational drug design; rational drug discovery; real experts; profiting from genocide; Boris Johnson; prime minister; Astra Zeneca; life imprisonment; Reiner Fuellmich; fraudulent PCR tests; covid scam;


  • 0/2000
  • Who would read anything by 'boris the bullet dodger' he belongs in jail, alongside , Tony blair, but unless we raise the vibration of our awakening friends and get them to stand up to these evil do'ers, as this is a spiritual battle, and we win by helping people more unfortunate than ourselves. Search your soul, do you really need all of those modern gadgets etc. Service to others is the path to take and not service to self, hard to begin with, but gets easier with every miracle. 🌟 ✌🏼+❤️ 🌈🙏🏼🇬🇧

  • ARREST JOHNSON FOR THE MIDAZOLAM MURDERS APRIL 2020 (I do not endorse the advertisements) https://www.bitchute.com/video/hPF0DSZdSQ97/

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  • "Repugnant & Repellent!" - Oh I you already William lol, choice words Sir :) Did you happen to catch Bojo's UN Speech 2019 nicknamed the "Robot Chicken" speech? Versions online now are all chopped up to hide the order of the speech but he basically told us the entire Covid Plot and that jabs were on the way, a hatred for anti0vaxxers was coming, and moved straight on with next breath to nanobots swimming in our bloodstreams, smart dust & sewers, neural implants and much more! He really let the "Vaxx Out The Bag" so to speak! Stunning audacity to then launch all such and expect us to believe they are anything but guilty as sin, for pre planning a massive medical cull via HalfCocks Halved Hours protocols and then the lethal and pre-made C19 shots! Which have more killer myriad mechanisms than anyone could shake a stick at! Whole lot em should be in the London Dungeons, till the Bells of St Clements plays, as they walk the Tower to the Chopping Block! Treasonous the lot of them! Namaste & Inlak'ech

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