Dump Out the Melting Pot – Deut. Chpt. 12

5 months ago

The US is known as the world's melting pot. People from all over the world have come here; they are still coming. As a result, our culture is a melting pot of languages, traditions, food, music, etc. In Deuteronomy, as Israel prepares to cross the Jordan, they must also prepare for something similar. The land of Canaan wasn't so much a melting pot politically or culturally – tribalism still ruled the day – but it was a religious melting pot.

The various tribes and nations combined and shared deities and religious practices. For example, Baal was a god that had been 'franchised' so to speak. Every region had it's own version. At any rate, God makes it clear in this chapter that Israel is to NOT throw herself into that melting pot and become 'one of the guys'. She is to turn over and dump out the melting pot. She is to be demonstrably different in her practice of faith.

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