SLOBODNI podcast #87 Mark Steel-DEW-direktno energetsko oružje u centru Londona

2 months ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ Mark Steel je znanstveni istraživač sistemskih oružja koji je istražio što se nalazi u kamerama u centru Londona koje navodno služe za nadzor kretanja. Upozorio je gradske službenike o opasnostima kamera koje su implementirane u ULEZ- ultra low emision zone u centru Londona. Taj sistem zajedno u cijelini predstavlja sistemsko oružje pod nazivom DEW-direct energy weapon.
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ Mark Steel is a scientific researcher of systemic weapons who has investigated what is in the cameras in central London that are supposed to be used for surveillance. He warned city officials about the dangers of cameras that have been implemented in the ULEZ - ultra low emission zone in central London. Together, this system represents a system weapon called DEW-direct energy weapon.

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