Witchcraft and the Occult CB97 Parts 1 & 2

4 months ago

Witchcraft and the Occult CB97 Parts 1 & 2
Feast of Tabernacles 2024 Presentation.
In this paper we will discuss Harry Potter, casting spells, the witches’ creed, “The Secret” (also referred to as the Law of Attraction) and the question: “Can one be a Christian Witch?” Also the question of amulets and charms, different forms and days of the occult (e.g. Halloween), a leader’s responsibility and a number of other related issues are discussed.

Witchcraft and the occult have seen an unprecedented appeal and acceptance in society today. These things have such a strong influence that they are saturating every facet of society. It is openly promoted as we see it in books, toys, games, movies and television shows for children as well as adults. It is virtually impossible nowadays to avoid it. Harry Potter seems to have cast a spell over the entire world. Children are being indoctrinated on a deliberate, continual and systematic basis without ever knowing the consequences and dangers that go along with it.

Study Paper - http://www.ccg.org/english/c/cb097.html

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