Sorting the Timing of Isaiah 66, Part 1

5 months ago

Understanding the timing of Old Testament prophecies can be challenging, especially since the prophets were often shown events without being shown their timing. To gain a full understanding, it's essential to study not only prophets like Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, but also the more complete picture provided to John the Revelator centuries later.

A key example of this is John the Baptist, whom Yeshua called the greatest of all prophets. John taught his disciples that Yeshua would fulfill certain events during His first coming-—events that, in hindsight, we now know would occur 2,000 years later, and even 1,000 years after John prophesied of them. It’s apparent that John the Baptist did not fully understand the timing of events, including the crucifixion, Second Coming, and the millennium, and instead it seems he understood these were all part of the First Coming.

If John the Baptist, who was well-versed in Old Testament prophecies, didn’t see all these events clearly, it would be a mistake to assume that the Old Testament prophets did. To then rightly divide the events shown to the Bible prophets, we must study both the Old and New Testament for the complete picture.

Join Tom Stapleton as he examines the events described in Isaiah 66 and uses the New Testament to help us accurately discern the timing of these events.


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