9/11 is Gay | Ep 11. DIDDY: THE RETURN

4 months ago

9/11 is Gay: The Information Show.
Tony & Giselle are joined by Diddy's UPS Baby Oil Dealer & Lil' Flitty to discuss Diddy's latest cool-guy escapades.

Intro 15:12
Caller #1: The Gutter 17:04
Tony is BLACK now! **Applause** 19:55
We also collect Baby Oilâ„¢ 20:53
Tony experiences Anti-Semitism© at Home Depot 23:02
Caller #2: JDF Life Enhancement 31:36
Caller #3: The Return of Pucker-Hole Steve 38:00
Fan Art: Dirk Body Contest 42:08
Caller #4: Really Nice Guy Jose 53:19
Giselle ASMR 59:47
GUEST INTERVIEW: Diddy's Baby Oil Dealer 01:11:09
Why Diddy bought so much baby oil 1:15:06
Other deliveries to Diddy 1:16:35
Lubricant Larry meets Diddy 1:19:17
Exposing the Celebrities at Diddy's Freak Offs 1:21:24
Diddy drenches Lubricant Larry in baby oil 1:26:31
GUEST INTERVIEW: Lil Flitty joins us with Lubricant Larry 1:30:15
F.R.E.A.K. O.F.F. is an acronym 1:31:10
Rubbing down your friends is normal 1:34:30
What Flitty saw Diddy use baby oil for 1:39:41
Did Diddy kill his ex or is she a Drama Queen? 1:44:29
Fart? 1:50:27
Did Flitty slide Lubricant Larry down the driveway? 1:53:13
Michelle Obama & Diddy? 1:55:51
Mase & Diddy 1:56:31
How many pentagrams & Jew stars in Diddy's house? 1:58:47
Diddy is Jewish! **Applause** 2:00:11
Flitty turns down Dirk's legal help 2:02:09
Giselle's Call to Action: Send Diddy baby oil to his prison cell! 2:04:38
Experiment: Will this jet fuel melt a steel beam? 2:10:39
AD READ: Casey Anthony's Babysitting Servicesâ„¢ 2:20:33
X Examination of Giselle's X 2:22:58
Madonna 2:32:09
Giselle sings a Madonna song 2:36:34
Giselle ASMR #2 2:41:27
Conclusion: We're all Diddy 3:16:21

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Music by Tonetta & The Superfools

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