PROPHECY- The Failure Of The Political System To Save Mankind, Says The Living God

5 months ago

“He’s gotta go, My son. He is an offense to Me, so is the whole Right-Wing Movement. Conservatives are an offense to Me because they worship a man to save them, not Me Who Is the Savior of all mankind. I say who comes and goes. Conservatives are a gross offense unto Me because of their worship of a man. Don’t become one. Democrats are even more evil than them. Gross idolatry of the political system is a great offense, a great sin. Even the Church is caught up in it, expecting a man to save them from the enemy, not Me, My son. I hold all power in Heaven and Earth, yet few seek Me. They trust in the hand of man to save them, not Me. Therefore, they shall go to Hell, all of them, who trust in the arm of the flesh to save them. Do not trust in man, he shall fail you every time. Trust in Me, the Living God. I Am eternal. I Am the Living God. Trust in Me always and I shall never fail you. I have spoken. Amen.”

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