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Health Ranger Report

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Health Ranger Report / Brighteon Broadcast News


  • 0/2000
  • 10kings - BRICS?

    1 like
  • America. But Geneva should get the comets :)

    1 like
  • New York City with the Easter whore statue

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  • The double moon is the sign of Judgement Day in Islam. Maybe because it’ll look like a double moon before they hit

  • https://youtube.com/@beholdisrael?si=QC21RrFVcF5WBZIw

  • Geneva

  • If you want accurate information about Isreal current events and how it fits in prophecy keep an eye on this guy. He has up to date info because he lives there and is a Christian pastor of Jewish decent. https://www.youtube.com/live/Jr35suOpvAQ?si=BQmz2PSxSUvRuLx3

  • Notice the swords of Damocles dangerously hanging over the heads of those at the table. It means though they are having a good time, they are in a very precarious position.

  • You think and you make your own view,,, nice…

  • The Harlot is apostate Israel which includes the Jews in modern day Israel, but also includes the countries which support Israel. The Beast are all those countries which hate the Harlot, which includes many in the Middle East, but also countries in Latin America. It's basically East (Beast) vs West (Harlot).

  • I love you, Mike Adam's, but you are wrong about God destroying all of Israel. Read Ezekiel 5 & 7 where 1/3 of the house of Israel die inside cities of famine and plague, and 1/3 die outside in the country by the sword, and 1/3 are scattered/survive flee to the mountains. I also find in the NASV95 Ezekiel 5:9 mentions the sword, famine, plague, wild beasts. These four judgements are also listed twice in Ezekiel 14. And most importantly found with the four horsemen of Revelation 6 who have the authority to kill on 1/4 of the earth. 775 772 7123 Text me your email and I will send you a PDF file of photographs of my Bible's pages with notes. Jesus says in Matthew 24 WHEN SUMMER IS NEAR, IT IS RIGHT AT THE DOOR. summer occurs only on 1/2 of the earth at a time, as the other 1/2 has winter. Then we are told in Jeremiah 6 that it will be a night attack. Night only occurs on 1/2 of the earth all the time, as on the other half it is day. 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4. This is where the 32 member nations are located in. It is a nuclear attack on NATO. About seven years after that the trumpets in Revelation 8 & 9 foretell of the 1/3 of the earth's environment being burned up (2/3's is normal and unaffected) This is the 1/3 of the earth's environment suffering the effects of the nuclear annihilation of 1/3 of mankind is killed by fire smoke and sulphur - that is all our enemies are gone and we enter into a New Age of 1000 years of Peace on Earth. The Kindom of Heaven has arrived as Revelation 19:11 tells of Jesus's 2nd coming with his army from heaven to make war against China's army of 200 million and the beast is defeated. You can read about the victory over the beast ceremony around the SEA OF GLASS (nukes turn the sand into glass) in Revelation 15. There we will join in singing the Song of Moses, GREAT AND MARVELOUS ARE YOUR WORKS, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. NOW ALL THE NATIONS WILL COME AND WORSHIP BEFORE YOU ! ! !