The Big Picture Progress US Army

5 months ago

"THE BIG PICTURE" reports on Army progress during the past year -- This episode of THE BIG PICTURE presents a report to the Nation on the new United States Army taking shape and the accomplishments that are making it possible. With the coming of atomic weapons to the battlefield, armies as heretofore known have been rendered obsolete and inadequate. They must be considered a thing of the past. Skillfully edited, "Progress -- U.S. Army," shows how old ideas are giving way to the onslaught of new capabilities, and out of the experimentation is being forged the new Army -- an Atomic Army -- bringing with it new concepts and fantastic weapons with which to fulfill its peacetime objective: A maximum capability to deter war. Narrated by Mr. Alexander Scourby and musically scored by the United States Army Field Band, "Progress -- U.S. Army" is a particularly effective documentary on the Army of 1957.

Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center.
DATES: (ca. 1974 - 05/15/1984 )


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