Treatment Update: Overwhelm, Drainage, Gut & Thyroid Peptide

4 months ago

1. I’m overwhelmed. I’m taking in too much information and need to slow down.

2. Dizzy when I stand up without heart rate difference. Dysautonomia?

3. I’ve been having OCD issues. Intrusive thoughts haunt me and wake me up at night. I think this is a toxin/Lyme symptom because it’s been like this before when I was early in treatment.

4. Started doing new more thorough dry brushing. It’s helped with splotchy skin and I generally feel a lot better.

5. Started Mitochondria and Drainage Jumpstart Program to Support drainage with Dr Peter Kan.
1. Monitoring heart rate, body temp, perfusion index.
2. Def have circulation problem splotchy skin.
3. Stationary bike- excited to exercise.

6. Bought probiotics and Gut Health Optimization program from Human Optimization and will be starting soon.

7. Thyroid peptide has arrived.

8. DIY Gut flush after drainage program (I think).

9. Plan on doing a proper video to kick off the start of my new treatments once all items arrive.

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