Article 5037 Video - The Divine Insanity of the Days - Saturday September 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 5037 Video - The Divine Insanity of the Days - Saturday, September 28, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

A friend asked me to describe my life these days.

I thought for a moment.

Is there any way to describe this?

No, better to describe the turning seasons, the way the light shifts so quickly in these high northern climates, the Arctic Desert transforming almost by the hour.

Mushroom Season came and went so quickly this year I barely had time to snatch a basketful here and there, and less time to notice the brief interlude of dusky rich mushroom smells exiting the food dehydrator. The 'shrooms are preserved for unknown days and hours, a handful of Morels, some Shaggy Manes, some Oyster Mushrooms, a few stubborn Shitakes.... not a lot of mushrooms this year. It was at once too dry and too wet by turns, never allowing for the mellowing of moisture that erupts overnight into a bountiful crop.

The Leaf Fall, too, has been abrupt. One day all was green, the next day all was gold, followed by a single big windstorm, and now, the forests have assumed that appearance that one associates with late October in warmer places, the storm winds having teased the great preponderance of leaves from the trees, so that now, all that remains are single large birches standing like torches still burning in the gloom.

The birds have been gone for over a week and the silence is deafening in its own way. I would welcome even the mournful question-call of a Raven asking, "Kuaahwak?

Instead, the whole Earth seems to be holding its breath, waiting.

The worst of the holes and bumps in my driveway have been repaired; I can look at that with some satisfaction. I won't have to skate across my driveway this winter for the first time I can remember. The giant Cottonwood stump is also gone at last, carried away in the jaws of a thumb-bucket the size of a Volkswagen.

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