Apatros Review Ep-0106: Female Vampire [1973] ("The Bare-Breasted Countess")

5 months ago

AR-0106: The second-last time I cover a Jess Franco movie, this is another of the Emperor of Euroschlock's most [in]famous movies, the first to feature the future Empress of Euroschlock [Jess Franco's future wifey and partner-in-crimes-against-cinema, Lina Romay] as a bisexual female vampire who prefers to feed on the bodily fluids that come from between the legs of her various victims while she gives them head jobs...

Never trust a vampire to give you a blow-job - it will hurt you badly EVERY time...

All the while she is doing this, the fem-vamp decides to call time on her existence, but doesn't want to go out without being on her own terms...

Typically bad piece of Jess Franco bullhitsa, again being redeemed in the most minimal of margins by the softcore bonking [depending on which of the three versions you happen to watch - one version contains hardcore footage added in and this version is nowadays even harder to get hold of than the legendary Spanish cut of Franco's "Oasis of The Zombies" - which I happened to track down, but that's a story for another time] & Romay's love for giving us such lovingly crafted closeups of her birthday suit styles. Franco fans will enjoy this, as will the Bad Movie Masochists.

My Grade: D+ [Disappointing]

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