Judge Joe Brown droppin’ BQMBS on Bush & Obama

4 months ago

Judge Joe Brown Exposes Barack Obama. Obama’s Name Is Fake, His Birth Certificate Is Fake & He Is One Of The Richest Men Alive With An Off-Shore Trust Fund In Indonesia. Americans Have Been Lied To 🚨

Remember Donate $6,$60,$600 for Obama’s 60th bday — coincidence? 💣
Maybe so, but lets take a deeper look at Barry Soetoro’s real background, his family ties with the Bush’s & Cheney’s. He was groomed by satanic Saudi Prince Prince Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud & the CIA, with ALL fake paperwork. His internet Kill Switch Bill was approved. He signed HR 4310 allowing the media to lie. His alliance with clintons, monsanto, netflix, known hollywood pedos & other satanic globalist. He bombed MANY African countries during his 8 years after the matrix gave him a Nobel Peace prize. He killed Gaddafi, who was doing great for Libya. He used pedophilia codes & ordered 60,000 hot dogs to the White House. His husband is Big Mike. Those girls are MK ultra kids & they’re NOT his children. He gave satanic rapper lil nas x a baby gift after his music video depicting him having sex with the devil. 💀
The list GOES ON with BARRY. Still coincidence? 👁

Greatest TRAITOR of all times — Barry is being put back in the spotlight. Stage is being set. Barry x Pedo Joe x Killary 👉🏽 Exposed publicly & neutralized ALL AT ONCE. 💀

Judge Joe Brown droppin’ BQMBS on Bush & Obama!!! 👀
Judge Joe Brown Drops Bombshells About Obama’s Past

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Dani Paso -https://www.bitchute.com/video/rquqmOukK6tw

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