Corrupt Govt Preparing Us for a catastrophe.event, So is the U.N. They are violating Rights

3 months ago

Predictive Programing yet again. Our corupt Government is setting us up for a mass murder event, They are trying to made a Constitutional Amendment to have governors ' appoint' a new Congress person in the event several are mass murdered. Now where could such a mass murder take place? When they all meet! They are trying to take the power of voting in our Congress from We the People.
Call your Congress reps and demand they halt such tryanny.

Note from me your host on this channel. I am sorry I have not posted lately. I sold my home in CA and have escaped to MO and now TN to look for a home. Prices went up a hundred grand. Say a prayer I find one to get set up. Thanks Folks. Stay strong and DO NOT COMPLY. More lockdowns and monkey pox B.S. is happening. Fight for your freedoms. There are no allies coming to rescue us. God Bless .

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